2024 - October - Social
Happy October! It's been a busy couple of months since the winter weather finally departed and car show season started. We had a great showing of cars for the Peter Brock Cruise in early September and then the Celebration of Motorsport show on Langley Park was also a great success! Thank you to everyone who came out to show their cars, or members who popped down to say hi, and congratulations to those who ran in the Tarmac West events over the course of the 4 days.
Earlier this month we attended the first of the new format General Motors Day in conjunction with the CurtinFM car show. It was a lovely day in the sunshine showing off our cars. I think the new format worked well. Thanks to those that came along!
Coming up in a couple of weeks is the weekend away to Manjimup! It's really sneaking up on us now. I will send an email out with final details, but if you're unsure of anything at this point, please contact me and I will happily help you out.