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2023 - April - Social
Hits: 521
The recent HSVOCWA 4WD day to Ledge was a success! We ended up with 10 4WDs in our convoy, including a single Holden. A lovely v8 Adventurer tagged along with us and made it everywhere the real 4WDs did! Very impressive!
Check out the drone video here
This coming weekend we have our last cruise before winter. This time, it's a cruise to York for a nice lunch and to stretch the legs of the HSVs! Hopefully you can make it. We intend to leave Midland area around 1030am and arrive in York just after 1130. We will try and check out a bit of the surrounds and then head to one of the local establishments for a meal. Please come along if you can! The weather is looking ideal and it should be a nice day out!