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As you read this, we have just completed round 3 of the Championship and despite the poor turn out, 19 in total, Collie once again prooved itself to be the most enjoyable place to go motor racing. The weather was perfect, not too cold, but crisp air producing maximum horsepower. Results are yet to be tabled but nearly everybody produced a PB laptime so there was definitely something in the air.
If you missed out on this round, make sure you put the November Collie event in your diary, it truly is a great weekend away with great people at an enjoyable track. Big thanks to Jeff & Tyson Sadler who did a most tasty beef brisket for all those that camped Saturday night. Good food, good company and a few quiet beverages before a big days motorsport can not be beaten.
The next round is back to Wanneroo Raceway Sunday June 16th, details will be loaded onto the website and emails sent for entries soon so keep an eye out for that. Its the first event for the year to be hosted by us so we need a good turn out of both competitors and helpers to make the event run as smooth as always. If you cannot compete but would like to help, let me know, even if its for half a day, morning or afternoon, anything would be very much appreciated.